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About Us

More than just a site of Sunday worship and Saturday novenas, the baptisms and funerals, of weddings and all the rites of religion, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, in 93 years, has turned into a place where people of every persuasion, color, age, nationality gather for fellowship, celebration, camaraderie  With the consecration of its Marian Shrine, the Parish has also become a center for devotees of the Blessed Mother. While it has added a new structure, OLPH has kept its character and its traditions and it is worth our while to take a look at the people, the groups, the events, and the institutions that make it what it is today.


Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church was originally a mission of Holy Angels. It was established as an independent parish in 1925 with Fr. James Donohoe as the first pastor and was known as St. Maximus Parish. In 1929, the name of the church was changed from St. Maximus to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, reflecting a grassroots movement showing enthusiasm for Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Our church has gone through remodeling, once in 1969 and also in 2010. In 1992, there was a fire that destroyed the church's interior. The interior of our church has changed dramatically since the 1992 fire. 

The Rites of the Seasons

"To everything, there is a season." To the OLPH parishioners, there is nothing truer, more so with the various rites marking the special times in their church's calendar. In the fall and winter, Advent, or Christmas as we know it, ushers in the year. The Church takes on a festive air with the lights, the banners, the lanterns, the nativity scenes and the much-awaited and well-attended "Simbang Gabi". It is a tribute to the hardy OLPHers that they have kept the ways of their folk back home with these pre-dawn novena of masses.

Spring is the season of Lent when the Christian world honors the supreme sacrifice the Son of God made to redeem humanity. OLPH observes Easter Sunday with the early dawn "Salubong" (Tagalog for "meeting") when Mary is reunited with her Risen Son.

The Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in early summer brings the year's festivities to a grand and glorious close. Its center-piece, after the novenas that are distinct in their reflectiveness and profoundness, is the procession around the Parish block. Then, in a joyous School Hall setting, the OLPH family feast, sing, and dance the night away.

The Minstrels of the Church

Also known as the choirs of OLPH, they sing their hearts out to give the Sunday masses and other Church events the air and feel that only music can bring. The souls of the OLPH church goers indeed soar and doth glory not only in the love of the Lord, but in the melodic chorus of voices of their very own choirs.

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